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Ãëàâíàÿ arrow In English arrow Birthday arrow Guru Nanak Birthday - 1999
Guru Nanak Birthday — 1999 |  Print    version  |

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi  

Noida, India
23 November 1999  

Today is the birthday of Guru Nanaka. It is being celebrated through-out the world with so much of zeal that I have not seen in India. For the first time it has been advertised in so many papers and by different means.

Guru Nanaka always talked of Sahaja Yoga. Everything else, he said, is just showing off. About religion he said that observing fasts, going on pilgrimage, etc., are just meant to show off. Now you have to discover the power that is within you and establish it. Guru Nanaka kept on repeating the same thing again and again. He never talked of rituals: But when Guru Teg- Bahadur came, war with Mohammadan Rulers was being fought. So he prescribed Kada (iron bangle), sword (kripan) to keep them in the state of preparedness. But Guru Nanaka always talked of the spirit. He explained it very clearly, but no one heeded what he wrote. They will just put a finger on the couplet and read it out. Could we understand him this way? If we go through his writings properly and absorb it, then the whole Shabad-Jalam (confusion), in which most of the people are caught, will come to an end. See the condition of Sikhs!

Without looking within and experiencing the innate energy, how could one follow Sikh religion? Only this is the teaching of Guru Nanaka, this is what is called `Sikh’ (learning). All the saints of that age had the discretion to know who is a saint and who is not. All the Gurus incorporated their poems and experiences in Guru Grantha and that is why Guru Grantha is revered so much. Only the renowned Gurus contributed to it. They were so spiritual that they did churning of all the religious scriptures and put the substance in Guru Grantha.

That is what we do in Sahaja Yoga. We do not follow any particular saint or incarnation; we respect all of them and strike a balance. But all this was lost in words. People did not go deeper in them. That is why Kabira has written `even the scholars went on reading and reading like fools, without absorbing any thing That is how a race of fools was created. Now there is no war being fought but they are so conditioned that they will wear Turbans, keep swords and combs etc. But they have no objection in consuming Alcohol. All the Gurus warned the disciples about the evil effects of alcohol. Any one talking of consciousness could never support wine. On the one side they will consume alcohol, on the other they wear turbans, keep swords and combs! Any way they wish to be part of that clan. This has affected their internal growth. They have taken to this kind of situation and as a result have become material beings. On material level they look to everything.

To transform these people, should not be difficult because we (Sahaja Yogis) are going by what the Gurus preached. Gurus could not give realization to people but we are giving realization. They talked of achieving `Sahaja Samadhi’, but did not tell how. Who will raise the Kundalini? Guru Nanaka gave realization to only two of his disciples. One Guru giving realization to only two of his disciples! What could be the effect on the society? So people started worshipping him at external level.

Huge Gurudwaras were built. But there is no use. There are very few evolved beings, the remaining is just a race of Sardars. How could truth be told to them? But now Sikhs have started coming to Sahaja Yoga. I have seen many of them with turbans on. May be some of them are coming without turbans. One is Namdhari Sikh. There are many Namdhari Sikhs in Bankok. As many as fifty-sixty of them come to the Programme. They wear white turbans. I do not know what is their speciality, but they follow what Guru Nanak has said. That is how diversions are created and people start fighting amongst themselves. Guru Nanaka said that I am prophet of Mohammedans and Guru of Hindus. Until one is realized one cannot understand this. But it was necessary to prepare us for this day. Now it is our duty to work-out what they said. Things, however, went in opposite direction and many seekers were lost, no-one knows where!

I was talking about Gyan Deva,. He belongs to Nath cult. He wrote about Kundalini but his disciples call themselves varkaris They take two heavy cymbals in their hands, wear jute clothes and go to Pandhari Nath, Pandhar Pur. It takes them one month to reach there. They travel on foot and thus consider themselves to be very sacrificing. All the way they chew tobacco. These Varkari people have created this cult. They take procession of Gyan Deva on a palanquin. Gyan Deva never afforded shoes when he was alive, but people place his slipper, in the palanquin and take the procession from one village to another. Wherever they reach the villagers offer them food and refreshment. It is a new method of beggary. At the birth place of Gyan Deva and places like Pune and Niwase women grow Tulsi in heavy earthen pots, lift it on their heads and walk in procession to Anandi. This I have seen myself. People have made lot of money in the name of Gyna Deva. But I do not know what to do to stop it.

All his purpose has forfeited. One fellow gives big big lecture on Gyan Deva, speaks whatever he feels like and there are people who listen to him with blind faith!

Same is the case with Guru Nanaka. No one knows what he actually said. People have made Chandigarh, Guru Nanaka talked of Chandi. He talked of my incarnation on the earth. He explained every thing. But no one cares for it. Most of the prophets and Gurus have been treated like that. Of course you people have experienced the truth. So you cannot accept the falsehood. Falsehood gets finished in Sahaja Yoga. So many people have got their self-realization in the world. No one could spread falsehood now. Whatever I have told in Sahaja Yoga is taped and recorded. No one could change it. People could listen to tapes, but they go on reading books without understanding. This is the reason I told them to have more tapes and get the books printed. Listening to the tapes will definitely have impact on their minds. People take book reading as a means of entertainment. What is the use of it? But now Sahaja Yogis have reached a level from where they cannot go astray. They will not have to adopt wrong things. That is what we have to learn from Guru Nanaka. Guru Nanaka said `know thyself? But what people are doing!

However, in Sahaja Yoga such things will not happen since I have convinced all of them. They cannot change now. No harm could be done now; what has happened has happened. Reading scriptures and Church Book will have no beneficial effect. To awaken one’s energy is the lesson that we have to take from Guru Nanaka. We, Realized beings understand Sahaja Yoga so deeply that now there is no need to draw any other meaning of it. Still there are people suggesting rituals. It is all useless. I have never said so, yet people are doing what I have never said. So now when they listen to tapes of my lectures and understand that Mother has not said it, why should we do that? But because of old Sanskara (conditioning) we keep on observing certain rituals.

So long as we do not get rid of our conditionings, we shall not understand real Sahaja Yoga. I have made you very special people. You know the real meaning of religion. You know every thing, you know about yourself and about others. You could give realisation to people. So now you have become perfect. So what is there to go astray now? You cannot fall.

So today I thought of the pains of Guru Nanaka. How much he tolerated! His wife was not cooperative at all. What people have made of his achievements? These people are misusing Lord Christ, Mohammad Sahib and, above all, Guru Nanaka because he was the last incarnation. Shirdi Sainath incarnated after him. Sai Nath was against all the rituals and conditioning because these are misleading. After awakening, things change of course. Realized people become knowledgeable. Without realization it is not possible. So Sai Nath did not organize. We have not organized too. We have no organization. People automatically get organized after awakening, the way different organs of the body are organized. So without any organization everything is going on immaculately in Sahaja Yoga.

I bless you all. You have to keep in mind that we have not to pervert what we have achieved. It is most sacrilegious. We don’t have to pervert it, perversion should not be allowed.

May God Bless You.

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