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Ãëàâíàÿ arrow In English arrow Birthday arrow Shri Rama Navami puja - 1998
Shri Rama Navami puja — 1998 |  Print    version  |

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi  

Noida House, India
5 April 1998  


As compared to Maharashtra, Navaratri of Chaitra month of Shalivahana Shaka (dinasty) from Pratipada to Navami is celebrated with more grandeur in North India. In Maharashtra the birth of Shri Krishna (Shri Vitthala, i. e. Shri Krishna as a King) is celebrated with religious fervour as ‘Gokulashtami’ Shri Vitthala was the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He incarnated (was born) at 12:00 midnight. Shri Rama, the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu, was born at 12:00 noon on the ninth day of Chaitra month. This day is called as Ram Navami.

Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi also incarnated on March 21, 1923 at 12:00 noon, like Shri Rama, in Chindwara, Madhya Pradesh. Chindwara is situated in east-west and south-north directions where two lines meet. This date of birth is as per calendar based on solar months. But as per the calendar based on lunar months, Shri Mataji’s birthday was due on the first day of the first month i. e. Chaitra month of Shalivahana Shaka 1845. In Maharashtra the first day of Chaitra is known as Gudi Padwa. This happens to be the birthday of Shri Mataji as well as the day of coronation of King Shalivahana. Now Shalivahana Shaka 1920 commences from March 28, 1998 as Chaitra Pratipada, the first day of the first month.

Shri Ram was the ideal husband where as Shri Sitaji was an ideal wife and the Children born to them, known as Lav and Kusha, were also the ideal sons. Shri Rama wanted to establish the high ideas to be emulated by humanity. Socrates, as you all know called him ‘a Benevolent King.’

Actually all the events that occurred in the life span of Shri Rama like ‘Ahilaya Uddhar,’ ‘Moksha’ to (Adiwasi woman Shabri), Killing of Bali, who was the king of monkeys, who was doing adharma, as well as the killing of Ravana because he kidnapped Shri Sitaji, to establish the rule of Dharma. Actually, Shri Rama was ‘Dharmatita’ i. e. Beyond Dharma. But strictly speaking, Dharma was in born in him i. e. he should be called ‘Dharmasthita.’ He was the embodiment of Dharma.

To uphold the maryadas of the throne he renounced Shri Sitaji (who was very dear to him), simply because people doubted her despite her crossing the fire (Agnipariksha). Shri Sitaji herself also left Shri Rama, in a way in the end after bringing up her children nicely; who had acquired all Vidyas and had mastered the art of Archery, so much so that they defeated their own uncle Shri Laxmana and ultimately Shri Rama had to come to fight with them to free the horse of ‘Ashwamedh Yaganya’ But Shri Sitaji who stood on ‘Dharma,’ intervened and averted the fight between the father and the sons.

Shri Rama in his own way, acted in life as if he were acting in a drama, forgetting that he was a Divine incarnation. But later on, when he incarnated as lord Shri Krishna, he was alive of his powers and used them diplomatically and punished all the Rakshasas one by one.

Shri Rama was also a great Devi Bhakta i. e. devotee of Shakti. Before attacking Shri Lanka he performed Devi Puja for which he needed a Brahmin for conducting various rites (sanctified acts) to please the Devi. He then sent for Ravana the king of Shri Lanka, who was a Brahmin and Devi Bhakta. He readily responded and helped Shri Rama in performing the puja of the Devi with all nine types of rites.

Had Shri Rama been of a cunning disposition, he could have killed Shri Ravana then and there but he was a ‘Maryada Purushottama’ (A righteous person). He did not do such a mean and irresponsible act. They were enemies but while performing the puja the enemity was completely forgotten.

Even his sevaka (most obedient disciple) Shri Hanumana was an ideal disciple to be emulated by all the Sahaja Yogis. He was of great powers. He is an innocent personality of a very high order, always keen to perform the task set out for him by Shri Rama. Later on also he appeared during the incarnation of Shri Vishnu as Shri Krishna and used to ride on the top of the chariot of Shri Krishna.

He is known as ‘Chiranjeev,’ an eternal being, one of the seven eternal personalities. He also comes and helps and performs all the tasks assigned to him. He is always present in all my pujas and on one occasion he had been visible in vibratory form, in one of the photographs taken in Bombay.

So character of all these great personalities are to be emulated by all Sahaja Yogis in their life styles to achieve their ascent in Sahaja Yoga.

May all of you follow such great characters and be successful in achieving the high ideals of human behaviour. You should bestow love and compassion on each other and on the people you come across in your lives and become ideal Sahaja Yogi brothers and sisters.

May God bless you all with eternal blessings.

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