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Ãëàâíàÿ arrow In English arrow Birthday arrow How to Meditate - 1976
How to Meditate — 1976 |  Print    version  |

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

India, Bombay
29 May 1976 

I told you at Dadar, how in Sahaja Yoga, you first go into the state of Tadatmya (oneness with the Divine). After the Tadatmya one can attain the stage of Samipya (Nearness to God) and then Salokya (Companionship with God). But on achieving Tadatmya, a person’s interest itself changes. Immediately on achieving the state of Tadatmya, due to his experiences, a person does not wish to go down into the state of Salokya and Samipya. That means, when vibrations start flowing into your hands and when you feel other’s Kundalini and can raise their Kundalini, then your chitta (attention) goes towards watching other’s Kundalini and understanding your own. You want to be alert about your chakras and understand other’s chakras.

If you look up towards the sky, you may see – even if there are clouds – you will see many types of Kundalini. Because, now your attention has gone to Kundalini, whatever you want to know about Kundalini, whatever you want to see, whatever desires you have, these will be revealed to you. Your interest in Kundalini grows and all other interests disappear by themselves.

Try to understand thus: As you enter into adulthood, leaving behind the childhood, you have the interests of your adult life – your job, business, wife, family; you take interest only in these and all other childhood interests drop off, old experiences fade away and your attention goes towards new experiences. Or try to understand this way: Say, a person is not interested in music, and somehow he has become interested in music, in classical music, then he is not going to enjoy any other non-classical music concert. Your condition in Sahaja Yoga should also be similar.

As regards your other habits and interests, they are acquired gradually and intentionally cultivated and hence those interests are deeply imbibed in you. Sahaja Yoga has brought about a complete transformation in you, – you have come into a state of new awareness, you can now feel the vibrations and other’s Kundalini, you can give realization to many people, you have cured thousands of people, you have entered into a new power and you are nourished by it.

But in doing all this there is only one shortcoming, and that is that you have not made any effort and everything has happened by itself, effortlessly. Perhaps that’s the reason why, although many people receive vibrations in Sahaja Yoga and also rise to a very high state, even then their attention never stabilizes on Paramatma, Atma, or Kundalini and it repeatedly goes towards wrong things.

You had asked me, ‛What is to be done after getting realization“. After receiving (realisation) you have to give. It is absolutely necessary to give after receiving your realisation, otherwise receiving (it) has no meaning. And while giving, one point – only one small point, must be kept in mind, ‛That with this body, this mind (manas), this intellect (buddhi), that means the ‘whole personality’ with which you are giving such an incomparable thing, that itself should be very beautiful; your being should be very clean.“ There should be no disease in it. If you have any sickness – perhaps there may be many Sahaja yogis having diseases. Before coming to Sahaja Yoga you must be getting worried and wishing that the disease should be somehow cured. But thereafter the attention does not go onto your sickness and you start saying, ‛It will be alright, does not matter.“ But it is wrong Whatever may be your problem, even minor, you can cure yourself by placing your hand on that spot, you can keep your physical side very clean. There is not much to be done. Just meditate and keep yourself clean, keep your physical side clean.

However, for you I have told you one important thing. As it is said, everyone must go to bathroom and clean oneself after getting up in the morning. Similarly, for Sahaja Yogis, it is extremely important to do foot-soaking for at least five minutes, before going to bed. However highly evolved you may be and even if you may not be getting caught – but it does not matter. You must do foot-soaking for at least five minutes. Even I do foot-soaking sometimes, (although it is not necessary for me) so that my Sahaja Yogis will imbibe this habit. It is a very good habit.

All Sahaja Yogis must do foot-soaking for at least for five minutes,daily. All Sahaja Yogis, should light a deep (lamp) before the photograph, apply sindur (vermilion), dip their feet in water and sit in this fashion opening out both the palms towards the photograph. If you do this, more than half of your problems would be solved automatically. Whatever happens, it is not difficult to spare five minutes. All should sit like this before going to sleep. That will stop more than half of your catches. We must get up early in the morning. Our sahaja yoga is a day time activity, not of night. So one must sleep early at night. I am not asking you to sleep at 6 pm but by 10 pm all must go to sleep. You should not stay awake after 10. You must get up early in the morning. In the morning after getting up early & taking your bath, one must sit for meditation. In the morning one must sit for meditation. Like, in our country, we have been getting up early in the morning and washing up our selves since ages and have been doing it all our lives. In the same way all sahaja yogis must get up early and meditate in the morning. It is a question forming a habit. But I have seen that for many it is very difficult to get up early at 4am or 5am. There is reason for that. I have done in-depth study about human beings. It is very joyful to study them. It is very interesting to see how human beings runs way from himself and argues against himself. It is quite interesting to see how he gives explanation about himself and makes himself an object of mockery. Some people tell me, Mother we cannot get u early in the morning. I say when did you go to sleep last night. 12 ‘O clock. But I had decided Mother, that I shall get up at 4 ‘O clock. That is impossible. But you must sleep early one day and must get up early next morning. Then you shall fall asleep early that day. You do that for 2 or 3 days and your body shall get accustomed to it. When you get up early in the morning, your receptivity is more. Not only that, at that early hour in the world also extremely beautiful……… (speech disturbed due to malfunctioning of mike)

So from the point of view of body I have told you and also that one must meditate in the morning. Now how to meditate. Think about it, how to meditate early in the morning. First bow down yourself in your heart. Humble down yourself. If someone thinks that he has achieved a lot or I am a very big saint, then take it for granted that he is a gone case. He is about to go out of sahaja yoga. One should take permission and sit peacefully before the photograph with palms spread out and with extreme humbleness one must bow towards one’s heart. One has to ask for forgiveness repeatedly. So even at that time one must ask for forgiveness that O God if have committed any mistake against yourself, please forgive us and take us into meditation. Then we pray, we forgive all those who have done any harm to us and if we had harmed anyone then please forgive us ‘O Lord. At this point bring pure emotions in your heart and then go into meditation. Now meditate with your eyes closed. Now one should not ask for how many minutes. It is very wrong to ask such questions.

Whether you meditate for 5 minutes or 10 minutes. For five or ten minutes one must meditate with complete oneness of attention. Humbly bow down yourself and meditate. But before meditation, one must understand it very carefully, before meditating give bandhan to the place where you are going to sit for meditation. Give yourself a bandhan, give your body a bandhan, 7 times give your body a bandhan, give that place a bandhan, give bandhan to photograph. This is not be done in a mechanical way like many people do but with humility and shraddha one must give bandhan as if one is doing a puja. After that give your ‘Mana’ a bandhan. Now where is ‘Mana’. You have never asked me, Mother where is ‘mana’. Mana is here. It starts from here. Meaning you must give forceful bandhan to vishuddhi and agnya chakra. Mana has to be given a bandhan. While giving bandhan one must have this thought that O Lord, let us remain in your bandhan and nothing untoward may happen to us. Bow down with extreme humility. At that time, just assume that you are in witness state and detached from everything. Just make yourself detached from everything and meditate. If you try this daily, it will become a habit. With extreme shradhha one must meditate early in the morning, may be for ten minutes or half an hour, it does not matter. While meditating do not move your hands. Just watch the photograph and slowly close your eyes while meditating and do not move your hands. At that time whichever chakra is having imbalance, it can be corrected by just watching that chakra because as I have said, Divine vibrations are more in the morning. Now after having purified our chakras, meditate on your Atma-tatva. Take your attention to your Atma (Spirit). Nobody has ever asked me,Mother where is Atma (The Spirit). Atma is in our heart but its seat is on our sahasrara. That is why I had said that bow down to your heart and take your attention to your sahasrara and be surrendered to Atma. With thought be surrendered towards the spirit. What is the essence of Atma-tatva. Atma-tatva is purity.One should say, complete Nirmal purity. Take your attention towards that. That is completely detached. It is not attached with anything. Due to your identifications (attachments), you are away from your spirit. Meditate on Atma-tatva. And this Atma-tatva is Love. Meditate on this. It is very Great – Atma Tatva is Love. Many religions have established in this world, but nobody has been able to describe Love in any of those religions. Because of this there have been many absurdities in them.

Love cannot be described but Love is that power that is flowing from your hands. This is the ‘Chetna’ awareness that people know as awareness. But they do not know that this is Love. They comprehend awareness as any other power like electricity. But no. Atma-tatva is Love. By saying one word, LOVE, you are librated from many bandhans (bondages). Whatever is false, untruth is against Love. Even if you are scolding someone and telling them about Truth, you are loving him. You yourself have become Love (Prem), that’s why by just meditating on Prem-Tatva you can get into Atma-tatva.

While meditating do not get stuck into any one thought. But now you can say that, I am that Prem-tatva, I am that Atma-tatva. I am that power of God Almighty. You can say like that. This way, by just saying 2–3 times you shall feel blessed. Because you are saying the Truth, vibrations start flowing from your being with great force.

Now what should be done in day to day life. In your daily life, you must know that the power within you is of Prem-tatva. Whatever you do, are you doing it in love or you are just trying to show off that you are a great sahaja yogi. If I say something to anybody or if I get angry with someone then i notice that they he speaks against Me to other sahaja yogis and then he asks me why have I lost my vibrations. If you are indulging in such foolishness then it is better that you leave sahaja yoga. Only those who are desirous of taking something can stay in sahaja yoga. He has no right to give Me anything, he only has to accept it from Me. If he wants to give then when his powers are developed then it would be very good. But you can give only when you are able to absorb. Therefore first learn to absorb. Try to see your shortcomings. For our benevolence we should see what we want to give. We are giving love. Are we standing in Love? We fight with everyone, we argue with everyone, we trouble others and we think we are sahaja yogis. We should not live with this falsehood. We should live with ourselves like a mirror meaning we should watch ourselves all the time. Like if something is sticking on to my face and you inform me about that and I can wipe it. In the same way you should watch yourself and wipe off anything that is sticking to you.

In your day to day life, you should live a brighter life. There should be transformation in your face. Your behaviour has to be beautiful. Love should flow from you. If you are an individual without love then you are not a sahaja yogi. You should know this. You have become a sahaja yogi without any desire for it and without proving your worth and I am tolerating you and you are sitting here today. If you cannot improve then please forgive me and stop coming to sahaja yoga. Such people will themselves go out of sahaja yoga in a few days time. Those who are devoid of love, those who think they are highly evolved, are useless for sahaja yoga. Such people should go to other ku-gurus (Fake gurus) and get kicked by them and feel the heat. Here in sahaja yoga you have come to become instrument of God Almighty. You should be extremely humble, extremely humble. You should give up ego completely. Others say one has to take sanyaas (renunciation), I say first give up your ego. Give up your anger. By taking out your clothes you have not renounced anything. Renunciation means giving up anger,lust,attachment,pride greed, jealousy etc., giving up these shadripus (the six enemies) is called sanyaas – sanyast. We are not talking about superficial renunciation. You should be extremely loving and peaceful while dealing with others. You should be talking about sahaja yoga with your family,children and friends. Change your friends and acquaintances. They (sahaja yogis) are your real relations. You should talk to them. They (sahaja yogis) will tell you that we have entered into a new world, we have new vibratory awareness. Whenever you travel anywhere,like someone was telling me he has come from Rahuri, that just as we carry our personal items while travelling, we also carry ‘teertha’, the water vibrated by my feet is called ‘teertha’, and other vibrated items like kum kum etc. If we find any sick person on the way, we give him ‘teertha’ to drink. If someone talks about religion we show him Mother’s photograph and tell him about Mother and that she can give you your self realisation. Whoever they meet on the way they talk about sahaja yoga. They apply kum kum to some and ask them how do they feel, show them my photo and talk about me and tell them that they can get their realisation from this photograph. All the time they only talk of sahaja yoga and only think how they can manifest sahaja yoga. By doing this you shall find your depth. There are also some people who come to sahaja yoga like they visit a temple and then they are gone in no time. Due to this they face adverse results.

You will people sitting here, who used to be very sick earlier but ever since they have received their realisation they have never fallen ill. They have never visited a doctor after their realisation. They have never taken any medicine either and there are some old people too, who always used to visit doctors, hospitals and have stopped doing so ever since taking to sahaja yoga. There are many such examples. Not only this but they have also helped others. The reason is that whatever is required to be done as a sahaja yogi for one’s health they kept on doing that and got cured. You should all meet each other. Among yourself you are all doctors and all are patients. Just as doctors do not take fees from one another. In the same way, you also do not take any fees from each other when you help one another. You should treat other and discuss among yourself and you should not mind. If someone tells you that your sahasrara is caught up then it is a matter of shame because getting at sahasrara means being against Me. Then you ask others to correct yourself and wonder how you got caught. You should never have anything to do with any person who is against sahaja yoga. If you do that then your sahasrara is caught up. You must tell such a person to stay away and should close your ears. Do not talk to him and advise him not to talk to you. Tell him that you are meeting him due to Mother and that he should keep quite. If you keep talking to such a person then your sahasrara is caught up and after a few days you will come to me and say, Mother I have got cancer. One or two persons had it but now they are cured. You must know that cancer is a disease of the sahasrara. If you have to be free from cancer then keep your sahasrara pure. If your sahasrara starts getting caught up then know that it is the beginning of cancer. You should always keep your sahasrara clean because if you do not do so then after a few years you will come and say that you have developed cancer. Then why not keep yourself clean from now. Not only that why not work for sahaja yoga for which we are in the kingdom of God. Tomorrow when such people are chosen from this world who belong to God’s kingdom then you shall be the chosen ones. Why not do such acts. We are just wasting our time, meeting friends, having food with relations, criticizing others. Let’s leave all that and improve our ways. We should lead such a life that we are remembered for that. Lets think like that.

Nobody should think that he is left with very few years in life and it is difficult to achieve it now. You shall not die. When you die you are then reborn and this goes on. The why not come out of this cycle (of births and deaths) in a year’s time and if you wish you can do that in a week’s time. You only have to decide once, just once. You can be immensely benefitted by sahaja yoga just by deciding once like this.

You should be surrendered completely. It is not necessary that you touch my feet but should be surrendered to me from your heart. Some people touch my feet but are not surrendered in their heart. One has to be completely surrendered to Me from within. If you are completely surrendered from within then your kundalini remains established on your Atma-Tatva, just like the flame of a lamp, without any flickering. But one must remain surrendered for that. In the surrendered state one experiences Joy, Bliss and God realisation.

Sahaja Yoga is a unparalleled, unique & special thing. Please try to understand this and be involved in it. The more you identify yourself with Tadatma (oneness with the Divine) state, the more your Atma-tatva shines. Nothing is important at all, except that you yourself become the Light. Those who are indulging in nonsense activities all the time are suggested to leave such things. Those things are not for them. I am telling you one last time. Please take note of it and act on it intelligently.

Within us lie many evil tendencies, and within us lie many negativities. These influence us to do evil deeds. To act under their influence is like becoming Satana yourself. Now it is upto you to either become a Satan or become God. Now if you wish to become Satan then it is a different thing and I am not your Guru for that. But if you wish to become God then I am your Guru. But you should save yourself from becoming Satan.

First thing to note is that on the night of new-moon and full-moon, always there are dangers on your left and right sides. Specially on these two days, that is, the nights of new moon and full moon, you should sleep very early at night. After singing bhajans, bow down before the photograph, meditate, and keep your attention on Sahasrara and go to sleep after taking bandhan. That means you go into the unconscious the moment your attention is at your Sahasrara. There, give yourself a bandhan and you are saved. During these two nights it should be observed particularly. The night of new moon, you should meditate especially on Shri Shiva. You should sleep after meditating on Shri Shiva – that is the Spirit – and completely surrender yourself to Him. On the night of full moon, you should meditate on Shri Rama and surrender yourself to Him for protection. The meaning of the word Ramchandra is

‛creativity“. You should completely dedicate your creative powers to Him. Thus you have to take special care of yourself on these two days.

However on the seventh and ninth days of Lunar fortnights (according to the Indian Calendar ‛saptami“ and ‛navami“) you have my special blessings. Remember that you are specially blessed by Me on these two days. Make some special arrangements so that you can have proper meditation on these days.

You must do collective meditation only at those places which have been purified by my Feet (where I have physically visited). You should not be doing collective meditation at your home by inviting someone. Even with your relations also you should not be doing collective meditation. You should be doing collective meditation only wherever I have told you to do so. You should also be discussing about sahaja yoga for a very long time at such a place where I have not put My Feet. Because at such places, bhoots shall start talking thru yourself and you shall start fighting among your self. I am saying this because even now you are not free from the clutches of Bhoots. You are not able to know when the bhoot enters into your being and takes over. This is how you should protect yourself. And whenever you are going out, leaving your home, give yourself a bandhan; always be in the bandhan.

If you come across someone having a catch on Agnya, give him a bandhan, even with your attention it can be done. Never argue with a person who’s caught on Agnya; it is a foolishness to do so. Can you ever argue with a person who is caught on Agnya, who is a bhoot? Do not argue with a person who is caught on Agnya. ‘Never’. Just agree with him for whatever he says. Go on saying yes,yes, you are right. Because whenever we have a mentally challenged person we only say yes, yes whatever you are saying it right. Never argue with a person who is caught on agnya. You should also not be arguing with a person who is caught on vishuddhi. And never go near a person who is caught on Sahasrara!

Have no contact with him. Tell him to improve his Sahasrara first. You should not be hesitant in telling him, ‛Your Sahasrara is caught. Put it right.“

Sahasrara should be kept clean. If anyone has started catching on Sahasrara, then he should immediately take help from other Sahaja Yogis, ‛Do something and clear my Sahasrara“. If someone who is caught on Sahasrara talks to you, you should tell him, ‘you are my enemy’. Never talk to him as long as he is caught on sahasrara.

As regards a person caught on Heart, you should help that person, as far as possible. Put bandhan on his heart, put your hand on your heart and take him to the photograph of Shri Mataji. You must take care of heart chakra. May be, sometimes one may get a problem on the heart chakra. You must help others clear the heart chakra. But many people have no heart! They are very dry personalities. And you cannot do anything for such dry persons, even if you wish to. So you should leave them alone. However, if they come to you and ask for your help then advise them to first leave Hatha Yoga, and then ask them to leave other unimportant things in life. They should be asked to learn to love others and if they cannot love human beings then they should at least start loving dogs,cats.

Love everyone. Love children. Never aggress on to children. In fact one should never aggress on anyone. Never hurt anyone. Nobody should beat the children. No sahaja yogi should ever beat your children with your hands. Never beat others with your hands, never. Never get angry with anyone. Particularly, Sahaja Yogis should never get angry. Without getting annoyed, they should improve everything tactfully and intelligently. Never get angry. You must pray for, How should the day to day life of a sahaja yogi be. One should think about it.

I have told you in many ways. Similarly this organisation that we have of ‘Anant Jeevan’(Eternal Life), for which eight to ten people should come together and think what is to be done. You must all contribute to it and should give their services for it. All those who still haven’t given their names should give them to Mr Pradhan, and we are going to start a quarterly publication in which all my letters, messages, lectures will be printed and apart from that if you have any experiences to be shared then do it so that these can also be printed in it. Whatever experiences we get from all over India, some of them would be printed in that. Therefore if you have any experiences keep writing to them. Apart from that if you can write an article on sahaja yoga please write and send it for printing. This way there shall be a quarterly in which there will be some articles in Hindi, some in Marathi, some in English, and some in Gujarati. So we shall be starting printing either together in all these languages or one by one. Everything happens slowly in sahaja yoga. For that you must contribute, give your subscription and take advantage out of it. If you have any questions on this then raise them and I shall answer all of them together. We are first starting a quarterly which later be a monthly and then weekly and finally daily, but for now it shall be a quarterly publication.

If you have questions, any problems then please send a letter in my name to Mr Pradhan. Please don’t write many letters to me as I do not have time. After that do not say Mother has written to him and not to me. Do not talk in such foolish ways. Sahaja Yoga is not for such people. You know that your Mother loves you all equally. For some reasons I may not write to some people. Sometimes She writes to you and sometimes not. Sometimes I write to those whom I know will never mind if I don’t write to them. And now I am not going to care about those who feel bad if I don’t write to them. I have cared enough for such people and the result is that those evil people have remained that way and never improved and we have been troubled. All those with whom I have been patient thinking that one they shall improve have not shown any progress and have remained wicked, they have not transformed even wee bit and we have got the pain. Because I had decided that no human being shall be destroyed in this kaliyuga. I shall not torture any human being. I have given him complete freedom to go either to hell or towards God. I have given you complete freedom. If someone wants to go to hell then I say take faster steps towards it, so that I am free from you. That arrangement also I have done. If you wish to go to hell then I have made arrangements for that also but if you wish to go at the Feet of God, that also is arranged for you. So I am telling all those who have troubled me, disturbed me or tormented me that I have had enough patience and now if anyone troubles me or disturbs me then I have to say very clearly to such persons that now we have no relation with you and that you should leave sahaja yoga. Such elements, while going out of sahaja yoga show their true colors and disturb us again. Their true nature is exposed. But I have to tell you that you think about your well being. There is no need to follow them and go to hell. Think about your own well being. There is no need to argue with anyone. They shall remain as they were earlier. They are very difficult to get transformed. Because they are evil. Those who are good, they may initially behave like them but get transformed very easily. Those who are evil are impossible to get transformed and I have understood this. I have tried enough but such people shall remain as they were. You can never transform them. They shall never have wisdom. That’s why there is no need to argue with such people. I have to request you, not to have any kind of relationship with such people. Slowly they shall be out of sahaja yoga. They are here because they want to destroy whatever you have accomplished. You should save yourself from such people. Get your vibrations.

…audio not clear for about 2 minutes….

So all those who think they are very intelligent, if they want to go to hell I can issue them ticket to hell. It is all under my control. All those desirous of going to hell can have the ticket from me and I am willing to give it. Those who want to go the kingdom of God their ticket also I can issue. A ticket clerk can issue ticket for any destination but ticket clerk will inform you that if you go this way there will be derailment and immediately on reaching there your …….inaudible sound….. will break, there is no return from there, you cannot come back from there. Return ticket is not available from there. That’s why I am informing you but I do not have to say much about hell, as you know all about it.

I have told you all this so that you can keep your own instrument clean. And always keep your sight on higher level. You should not keep your sight low but on higher level. You have to rise higher. Never look down. You have to rise higher. I am with you at every step, at every place. Everywhere. Wherever You are, at whichever place you are, I am with you, completely, in person, by my spirit and by my word completely. This is my promise to you. But those who wish to go to Hell, they will also be sucked down. That is also arranged. Therefore be careful. Take to higher life.

Now I am going to London and when I come back I want to see that each one of you should have given realisation to at least ten persons. Call others, talk to them about sahaja yoga openly. Don’t feel shy. Tell them about sahaja yoga how truthful it is. It is the religion of Truth. It is for real. Gather people, talk to them wherever you find them. Everyone of you should take the photograph and each one should give photo in ten homes. It is a very good way that each person contributes to take ten photographs. Give these photos to ten such homes where there will be respect towards the photo, where it will be worshipped and where sahaja yoga can be accepted. By this way only we can spread sahaja yoga. We do not want to have much publicity because whenever we do publicity then dirty people are also attracted and the good people do not come. Therefore it is better to serve sahaja yoga all the time and make yourself wealthy (spiritually) by it. May God Bless you. My complete blessings are with you. My heart, mind, body be always engaged in your service. I am not away from you even for a moment. Whenever you will remember me anywhere by just closing your eyes, at that moment I shall come to you with all my powers, ‘Shankh,Chakra, Gada, Padma Garud layee siddhari’ (Just as Lord Krishana came riding on his Condour from Dwarika, with all his Divine weapons – Shankh, Chakra, Gada, Padma when Draupadi called Him – I shall be before you in no time) Even for a moment I shall not be late but you will have to be Mine. This is very important. If you are Mine then I shall not be late even for a moment. I shall be before you. Let God bless you all and give you wisdom.

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