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Ãëàâíàÿ arrow In English arrow Birthday arrow Talk on evening before Sahasrara puja - 1987
Talk on evening before Sahasrara puja — 1987 |  Print    version  |

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Thredbo, Australia
2 May 1987 

So very nice to see you all here, all my children. Your love out beats me. I really find no words to express my feelings. The way you have taken to Sahaja Yoga and the way you have established yourself in Sahaj Yog. I know it is very difficult to spread Sahaja Yoga. Everywhere it is difficult because you know these are the times of kaliyuga. I am not tired of the journey so much as the fighting the evil forces around us. When I came to Canberra, I felt the left swadhistana very strong, so strong that I could not walk few steps and I asked them what’s the matter? They told me that TM, there is some Chinmoy fellow, they are very strong here. Apart from that there are other spiritualist forces which they are announcing in the newspapers.

It’s shocking that human beings take to these horrible things so easily and try to work it out. When you study the reason why they take to these horrible things then you realize one thing that these things promise quick results. Like supposing somebody’s son has been lost. So, they will say, ‛All right. You come to our group, we’ll find it out for you.“

Or else, somebody says, ‛I am under a great strain.“

‛All right. You come to our group, we will remove your strains.“

It’s very easy to remove the strains by putting a entity, what we call the bhoots, into someone so that the bhoot takes over for the time being. But, here the seeker is not a deep person. Those who were deep people came back from all these horrible people. With the TM, I can tell you, we have been able to salvage some people, not all of them. When first it was brought to my notice, I had a meeting in England and we had from TM at least hundred people. Out of which we can say about ten to twelve people we have been able to salvage. But the growth, spiritual growth in them was very slow and they were just frightened of Me. They would not look at Me. They had awe about Me. Whenever they saw me they would shake. There is one fellow, Chinese, who came from TM, and I think Rustom was there, and he just took My name and he jumped under a table and landed himself outside in the lounge and they started looking at him where has he disappeared. With this Chinese fellow, we tried with him, but he used to shake and horrible [UNCLEAR], poor thing. Then he left Sahaja Yoga in a way and somebody met him in a restaurant or in a book shop and somebody met him there, and they asked him, ‛How do you feel? How do you feel about Mother?“ He said, ‛Oh! Ho! Ho! Ho! She is a tremendous power.“

So, you see, they are so weak, they are so gone down. It’s very difficult to bring them to normal conditions. Within two, three years they become recluses. They are even afraid of, what you call garlic. If you show them the garlic they start shaking. If you show them the lemon they start shaking. They become recluses. We get few people from there, TM, but their bhoots are so strong that they will not stick on to us much. Even they come down for a short time, again they go back. So, this is the situation with these TM people. And with this Chinmoy fellow I had an encounter in America and there the people they came and told me that ‛Why this Chinmoy is here and why doesn’t your husband tell to Secretary General about it?“ And you know who was the Secretary General that time, [Wol Dahm?] and all the rest of it. And they were all crazy people. How Wol Dahm is now being cheated by people and now he is not allowed to go to America and all that. Actually his luck was not so bad but this bhoots, you see, they made him so funny that he just could not come back to his normal self. Now this gentleman was not so much into this Chinmoy but there was one south Indian gentleman who was in the UN and he said that ‛This Chinmoy is very good.“ This Chinmoy used to play tennis, used to swim, used to drink, have women, he was a real yanky and despite that people said, ‛Oh! He is great because he knows how to speak well.“ So, all those speech loving people he got. That’s another style of people who are not seekers but who just want somebody to talk, talk, and talk. He could talk on Gita, he could talk on this, he could talk on every kind of thing. Now, the big difference is, in Sahaja Yoga you have to accept Me. There you don’t have to accept anyone. As long as you accept Gita, as long as you accept Bible, as long as you accept something – is not there, which is dead, which is finished. So, these people are interested only in your money.

So, they don’t worry about these old, we should say, prophets who are dead now or we can say the incarnations who are dead. They have nothing to do. Just they describe them, take the money. That’s they want. They only want to have money, money, money and money. They are not interested in your welfare or anything. They have no idea of Kundalini, they cannot raise your Kundalini, they cannot give you realization, they cannot look after you – nothing of the kind. Only thing what they want, whatever money you have they should have it. And the way they do it is a very camouflage sort of a drama they play, that they can deliver the goods. What are the goods they are going to deliver to you? Except Self-Realization. Even the people who talked of Self-Realization never gave Self-Realization to anyone. I have seen this Yogananda’s disciples. The early ones, they had to cut their tongues because according to him, in his own kriyayoga, you had to put back your tongue here for a khechri and that’s why they had to cut their tongue. They cannot speak, they cannot do anything. They are just like dogs, you see, wagging their tails. Very good people, they are doctors, architects, very good people. All these things have happened to all these great seekers, I should say, but they were stupid to accept anyone like that. First of all, you must see what are other, are doing others, say other disciples are doing. How are they, majority of them? In Sahaja Yoga also we might get somebody a very useless person and might get somebody a very low grade or a very low caliber personality. We do get on the periphery, we do get. But they should see other people who are seriously involved in Sahaja Yoga. How they are behaving? What is their way of doing it? And how their life is? What have they achieved? What powers have they achieved? And what kind of a life they lead? That is how you should judge the person to whom they have to do.

I am sorry that this Canberra is so full of Left Swadistana and if you allow these things to continue I don’t know what will happen to your government. It will all go to dogs if this stupid thing is allowed to work out because all those booths will jump on all these civil servants and serious things can happen. I am quite surprised how it is allowed in Australia where is the land of Shri Ganesha. As it is I am here now, I am sure something will happen and they will give up that. But as far as coming to Sahaja Yoga, I would say, it’s a headache. You better give yourselves a bandhan before touching them anywhere near because they will give you lot of trouble. I have had lots of trouble with them. So much so, we had to leave one of our ashrams. You see, we had three persons in that ashram from TM and they used to scream so much and this jumping about was so much that the neighbors told us that, “You better get out from here“ and because of them we had to get out. All kinds of funny things they do.

First time I saw these TM people, were in a hall, and they took the first chairs. First row they were sitting there. As soon as I started speaking they all started jumping like jack in the box. I was wondering, ‛What‘s the matter? Is perfectly alright? Who are these people?“ I had never seen such a thing before. I was quite surprised that who are these people jumping like this one by one.

Then I asked them, they said, ‛We do TM and we are doing siddha course.“

‛Siddha course? Stupid people you are, that’s what you are.“ And out of these 6 or 7 people who were jumping we could save about, I should say, two or three.

So, those people who have gone to that you shouldn’t worry so much about them. But, of course, if it is gone to the government it is better to beat the government with shoes and give bandhan to the government so that they don’t get entangled with it. But is serious thing and I have to work it out myself on those lines because I was quite shocked that in Canberra they have such bad vibrations. I came to Canberra much before with my husband and I told him that ‛The vibrations here are very, very bad.“

So he said, “All the capital cities are like that.“

I said, ‛But it seems rather funny that both the centers are catching so badly.“ And I couldn’t walk that time also and today also the same thing happened to Me.

Now, we have many other people who are seeking God. They live in the villages. These people have not gone to the villages because they wanted only rich people, monied people. So, there are many people in the villages who haven’t yet received their Self-Realization and they can receive their Self-Realization without any difficulties. You can go there and talk to them and get them realized because they are not people for whom these rakshashas are waiting. We have to give them realization. Once you give realization to people in the villages, things will change. The atmosphere will change and you find lots of people coming to Sahaja Yoga. So, I would say, I am very happy that in Sydney itself we have so many centers and in other cities you have so many centers. But now we have to reach the villages and see them. They are innocent, simple people living in the villages in a very simple manner and is better to give them proper attention because they are the ones who will get realization.

Then the children, children should be attended to. They can be very nicely brought to Sahaj and because there may be many of them who are already born realized. So the children can be brought into Sahaja Yoga but not without the permission of their parents because the laws and regulations are such that we may land up in the prison without asking the permission of the father or mother. So, one has to be very careful.

The another are the adolescent boys and girls who are studying in the colleges and who are not yet exposed so much to all these bad things. They might be drug addicts little bit or may be other addiction they might be having but they are not yet touched by these horrible evil forces. So, you can just attend to them. You can also advertise that you can look after people who are addicted to all these drugs and all that. You can relieve them. If you are allowed to do that you can advertise, get those people and if you give them realization they might be able to get over their addiction completely. There is a doctor, Dr. Wells, in London who has now become a very big doctor in charge of a hospital of addiction. So, I said, ‛What do you do to them? How do you manage this addiction business?“

He said, ‛In their absence I beat them with shoes, that’s all and they are all getting rid of their addiction.“

So, you can attend to those boys who are now grown up boys and are taking to drugs and things like that. They are seekers. That’s why they are going to these things. I think this kind of an attitude if you have that you are not going to attend to people who are already with some gurus and with something and encounter them. But attend to people who by their innocence have fallen into some problems or to the innocent people in the villages or children who are innocent. I am sure you can prosper faster.

So, Sahaja Yoga is growing very much faster here and in a way in a city it is growing. We can grow much faster, I think, the way there are people, so many people, are in the villages and in the countryside; in a very simple way they live. As for Myself, to come to Australia is such an excitement and such a joy because last year I could not come and this year when they said it was a Sahastrar Puja and had to perform here and be there, I was very happy. Tomorrow we have to have that Puja. I was also a person in a way you can say, a seeker, because I was trying to find out a method, the way, by which I could really give en-masse realization. I could give realization to many people at the same time and for that I was really working very, very hard, understanding lots of people, human beings, and out of them I found bureaucrats are the worse. As you have lots of bureaucrats in this Canberra, may be, that they are not so good because they have to compromise all the time. They have to say, ‛Yes sir, yes sir,“ and despite their resistance, despite their not liking, to say that, they are poor things, pushed into a job where they have to work it out because after all job is important. When all these things become important, the person’s personality suffers a lot. That’s what I found that the bureaucrats who are seeking all the time power, go after the man who can give them some more power, in the sense the power not of the divine but over the people that they can dominate more people and they can manage more people. And that’s why these people fall into these groups because in the beginning they feel relaxed in a way and they dominate many people as there are booths sitting with them who give them ideas. But then they get tired of them and then they fall sick. So, many people commit suicide also, suicide. I was told that suicide is maximum, suicide cases are maximum in Canberra. The reason is this only that you don’t know what to do with yourself. You suffer from some sort of a miserable disease. You don’t know how to get out of it and then you commit suicide. So, all these things are connected with the attack of the evil forces and these evil forces attack you in a very subtle manner. So, one should be careful as to mature. One has to mature in Sahaja Yoga so that nothing can affect them, nothing can trouble them, nothing can bother them. One has to mature. The maturity should be such as like Mine. If I catch it, I mean, I deliberately catch it and then I try to solve the problem. But if you cannot do that then you should not catch also because you will suffer little bit by catching them.

Now, for tomorrow’s puja I hope you will all be ready and you will all enjoy tomorrow’s puja. Had a very nice puja in Pune which I had to perform on the thirteenth because it is the date called Akshaya Thrithya, means undestructible third day of the moon. That’s actually nobody knew, but it is the puja of the Kundalini. That day everybody felt very, very clear. Very clear. Puja was hardly for about half an hour, the real puja of the Kundalini. But everybody felt extremely clear and beautiful. So, that sort of puja we should do tomorrow also, if possible, so that we’ll have the feelings of Sahastrara completely opened out because even if Sahastrara is opened, the rest of the chakras, if they are caught up then you have problems. It’s better to clear out all the chakras and then the Sahastrara. So, tomorrow we’ll do the puja in that fashion and I hope it will work out very well for all of you.

I hope I have been rather late for all of you and I am not taking too much of your time here. Tomorrow I think it should be, you see, actually you’ll be surprised that this is the time I opened the Sahastrara in India. This is exactly the time because just now is 6.30 there, 6.35 and about 6.30, I opened Sahastrara. So, you can imagine this is the time I opened the Sahastrara there and this is the time we are sitting on the other side of the world and celebrating that day, that great day of Sahastrara being opened out. It’s a very great day in the history of spirituality, very great day for the whole world. They will realize one day what it was. Such a big time that Sahastrara could be opened for masses. Not only that but you are empowered to do that great work.

May God bless you.

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