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Item Title Hits
Our roots have to go down into dharma - 1977 12936
Talk Before Shri Ganesha Puja - 1990 13380
Talk after Shri Lalita Havan - 1981 15056
Lecture on Evening before Guru Puja - 1988 15161
Keep The Attention On Yourself - 1975 14756
The Spirit - 1977 14848
Open Your Heart - 1981 14554
Atma And Paramatma - 1979 15663
The priorities are to be changed - 1985 15093
Questions By Doctors - 2000 15552
Talk To Ladies - 1984 16265
Guru Nanak Birthday - 1999 19679
The Power Of Kundalini - 1981 19268
The innocence of a child - 1985 20486
Shri Rama Navami puja - 1998 49953
Talk at New Delhi - 1975 22035
Talk at Lane Cove National Park - 1994 53201
Complete Your Realization - 1987 27359
The Role Of Belgium And Holland - 1986 31282
Shri Mataji’s Wedding Anniversary - 1982 31675
What You Can Do - 1982 31475
Sahasrara Puja Evening Talk - 1987 31579
Open Your Heart - 1982 33192
Talk to Brides - 2002 35036
Talk to Bridegrooms - 2002 34519
How to Meditate - 1976 73704
Talk on evening before Sahasrara puja - 1987 40233
Being Bandhamukta, free personality - 1988 40070
God is Satchitanand - 1988 68398
The Sun, the brain, medical questions - 1986 252757
Diwali Talk, Lakshmi Principle - 1981 43543
The Normal Human Awareness - 1977 44400
Evening program the day before the Krishna Puja - 2007 47320
Illusions - 1978 64244
Spirits of the dead - 1976 58446
Practice of Sahaja Yoga is more important than precept - 1983 51012
Day before Vishnumaya Puja - 1987 53015
Achieve the power of Spirit within - 1984 49982
Seminar in Paris - 1981 50855
New Year’s Eve talk - 1981 52598
Advice to western women - 1982 55711
Attention, Collectivity, Responsibility - 1977 58056
The Principle of Brahma - 1978 55913
Attention - 1980 55953
The Message of Christ - 1979 92524
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Mother's Lectures - Sahaja Yoga - Shri Mataji © 2024