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Ãëàâíàÿ arrow In English arrow Birthday arrow Achieve the power of Spirit within - 1984
Achieve the power of Spirit within — 1984 |  Print    version  |

 Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Rahuri, India
25 February 1984 

I hope your journey has been comfortable so far and will be comfortable later on, as the source of comfort is your Spirit. And more you see to the comfort of your Spirit the problems of outside comforts drop off. You are not bothered as to where you live, where you sleep, what you eat, what you do. So allow these gross sensitivities to drop down so that the inner, subtler sensitivities grow. That’s why you are here, to get over your time, conditionings…l mean it is a rat-race, and the rat race has to be somehow or other stopped, once and for all, ‛without“. So here we can do it ‛without“, and once you start meditating, that ‛within“ can also be achieved and you can achieve that peace which all human beings should have, if we have to save this world from complete destruction.

As you must have realized that now the Sahaja Yoga is growing much faster, and is taking a good speed. And we all have to keep ourselves equipped to be able to be part and parcel of this great evolutionary and revolutionary process which is going to stir up the whole world.

For that, it is important also to see that we take ourselves to task and don’t get into mediocre living and mediocre thinking. We are people of very great potential. Not only that, but we are blessed by God’s Divine Power. Try to use that power within yourself and try to be one with it. A little bit, you have to see that you beat up your body, beat up your mind, beat up your ego, and chisel it out so that it is beautifully made, in such a way that you grow into that image for which you are made.

Regarding other things, like my tours in your countries; I think, the greatest good is done to you when you come to ‘this’ country; as if you belong to this country and you were uprooted in some other country. And, when you come here you prosper so well! And in that country I try so hard, I work so hard, do all kinds of things, all the time I spend with you, I do everything, day and night, all the time—I find it’s impossible to achieve much, that I see happening to you here. As if here you take absolutely with great ease the divinity of this place. And I think this uprootedness has to be given up. I think as if you had immigrated into those countries and now you are back in your own! You are not found out by immigration laws, I think!

Now, under these circumstances we should change our tactics and start to establish our ashrams here, and our own projects here, so that you people should come down ‘here’ and achieve more. You can earn your living there. But you should come here and spend some lime for two or three months ‘continuously’ and establish yourself and grow. Because I don’t think it can be achieved there that good. Because we’ve tried everything. So this is the ultimate outcome of our trips all over.

Despite all kinds of hazardous routes and hazardous life here, we are doing very well. I must say when I see you I find you are all very good and you are very much better and it’s all improved. ‘Like watches, you see, when you have to make them immuned, you put them under absurd conditions and they get alright. Like that, now you are immuned! They are put into troughs which are shaken very thoroughly as yesterday you were shaken in the buses. Then they are made to pass through water which is running very fast on them. And all this we are trying here; and I think your immunity is growing very fast to outward things, and you are becoming really solid eternal time pieces, the way you are created here, and I’m so very happy to see the development.-That’s the main point which we have achieved here.

So the attention should be. out-away from money; first of all. That is one of the biggest problems. Actually nobody can believe that affluent countries are much more money-minded than Indians are, ‘though they are so developed. You see, the developed countries are ‘much more’ money minded, than the Indians are-its very surprising! When you see the way they count their pennies it is impossible to believe that these are really developed people. They are worse than beggars sometimes. So that is what you should get out of-the money part. Money is horrible stuff that people count. I mean-it is better to count the names of God than count the money-horrible coins.

Then we have other things like gross attachment to comfort. I don’t think it’s a very comfortable life there. Because here you can move in the night, anytime. You won’t meet anybody who will snatch your purse or snatch your bangles. You can move about the way you like and nobody’s going to bother. You won’t meet 2 or 3 drunkards beating each other-nothing of the kind. So it’s a very pure life here. That’s a very big achievement.

And the comforts that you want you can create later on, if you want to have them. At least I personally think that too much modernisation won’t suit this place. So you should not give them these useless ideas which makes your body slaves to your own comforts and ideas of enslavement.

In any case personal cleanliness is very good here, but the general cleanliness has to be taught to these people. All this giving and taking process will work out very well, I’m sure. And the way things are moving within yourself, I have great hopes that you will really grow much faster if you come to this country and stay here for some time, in a settled way, and then go back to your countries. That would be much better than to have a visit to your countries, which I feel sometimes is just bombarded by negativity.

The other point which I wanted to tell you is that you must learn to understand that you have come here to gain something. Nobody is going to gain anything out of you. So you have to gain something here. You are students and so you have to learn something, and try to develop a sense of discipline. Like a disciple who receives all that is around-“What’s that? How is it? This is the house, that’s nice“, you see, like that. But if you go on seeing the thing which is of no importance and loose talking about things that do not matter with you. All these have to be given up. Because you have so much time there that people sit down and jabber; talk, loose talks, ugly talks, useless talks. That’s not needed at all. On the contrary it’s better to be quiet, and assimilate more within yourself. Because here the people don’t have time, so they can’t talk, they have to work. But while you have lime thereto talk, also here, so we start like that; and that’s a ‘very’ wrong thing.

Another talking is done with yourself also, quite a lot. like you start analysing, criticising and finding faults and all the time thinking ‛Oh, this could have been better-I’ve harmed very much here…that has happened“, all those things come into your heads. So this kind of a inner talk also should be stopped; they are called as ‛murmuring souls“ by Christ, who said ‛Beware of murmuring souls“. But these murmuring souls exist within us. So beware of them and don’t listen to all nonsensical talks, and try to keep a good eye on that and be alert, so it will help you. On the whole, I must say that this trip and the last trip, I am overjoyed and I am,very’ happy that it has brought forth ‘so many’ possibilities before me and your potential. I am very happy about it, that somehow, in this year, we have achieved a new type of atmosphere among all of you, which is humble, which is quiet, which is peaceful, which is absorbing the Divine, which is a very, very great, joyous thing for me.

So I thank you very much for all that. I hope you keep up your progress this way.

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