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Ãëàâíàÿ arrow In English arrow Birthday arrow Talk Before Shri Ganesha Puja - 1990
Talk Before Shri Ganesha Puja — 1990 |  Print    version  |

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi  

Lanersbach, Austria
26 August 1990  

So we have all gathered here today in this country of Austria, which in Sanskrit we call Astra. Astra means: The divine weapons. And the greatest credit, I would give to Austria is this: That you don?t find any fundamentalism of any kind, whether it is Islam, or whether it is Christian, or any kind of fundamentalism operating in this country.

Which is a very, very, very rare thing. Right from Russia to England you find everywhere there is a subtle fundamentalism existing. And this country has this speciality that there is no fundamentalism here.

And also racialism you don?t feel here at all. In every country I have felt that there is racialism. Of course, in Russia, there isn?t. But otherwise. So this country seems to be a very open minded country perhaps because they have such a beautiful nature with them. In this beautiful nature they want to enjoy the nature and for that you have to have an open heart. Or maybe the vice versa, the nature must have opened their heart.

So, this land has a speciality: And I am very happy you all have come from all the way from so many countries, even from America, Australia, India, such far-off countries you have assembled here for this celebration and yesterday we actually saw ourselves, with our own eyes, the grace falling on this country.

Cause this country deserves it. Any country which has fundamentalism behind it, will have to go down in this modern times. Any kind of fundamentalism is out of date and they cannot survive. They will be thrown out. Out of the evolution ot the societies. So: One has to open yourself to everything. Moreover, Sahaja Yoga encompasses all the great religions and all the great incarnations, prophets and saints.

We respect all of them equally, like the jews respect Christ like they respect Moses, the Muslims respect Moses, as they respect Muhammed Sav, the Hindus respect Muhammed Sav, as they respect Shri Rama. This kind of a mutual respect, that we have, is not by blind faith, but by understanding of Sahaja Yoga, that on our central nervous system we can feel the divine power, and our whole being works like a computer and we can find out what is the truth about all of them.

And that is how through our enlightenment, in that light, we worship all these people all the same. But when it starts going to the fundamental bases, everybody, everybodies name is put into shame and all these great people are looked upon as some sort of trouble-makers. So, today?s speciality is, that if we have any fundamentalistic ideas within our head, first of all, we should drive it out. In a way, whatever is happening in our times is the exposure of all, what is wrong, evil and destructive. And all that is today shown to us, very clearly. We see it so clearly happening, that those people, who are against unification of the world, oneness of the world, and love for each other, are just getting exposed.

So, our main power is our love. And that love is so effective, so kind, so tender, so beautiful, it has to be felt and to be enjoyed. So I am here for a very short time with you but I?ll be coming back – because they want to shoot me down there – but after some time…sweet laughter…I?ll be here to talk to you and I hope, you?ll enjoy this beautiful place.

(Question to one person: Have they arranged there? Have they arranged the other place all right? Can we go now? In case they want, I can go and come back here, so I can be here for a longer period..).

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