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Ãëàâíàÿ arrow In English arrow Birthday arrow Talk after Shri Lalita Havan - 1981
Talk after Shri Lalita Havan — 1981 |  Print    version  |

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi  

Sydney, Australia
7 April 1981  

It is this when the Holy Ghost came in the form of the cold wave. Like this.

(H.H Shri Mataji blows air into and mike and everyone laughs)

Now I have blessed you all.

But the problem is, it is formless and there is nobody to (UNCLEAR decode). There has to be a decoding system training, isn’t it? And that’s how there are lots of mistakes committed by them also. Because they didn’t understand that blessing should be their capacity, their (UNCLEAR intelligence) and (UNCLEAR dream) about it.

But to communicate, with the people to communicate with the Spirit, to understand the Kundalini the vibrations and their different decoding and all that. The Holy Spirit had to come with an (UNCLEAR Naav/ Name) and with a voice and with the intelligence that is intelligible to you with the knowledge and everything. Otherwise, it is not possible to communicate. And that’s why somebody has to come and you have to just recognize. Recognition is the best way of understanding the powers that are given to you.

You have been given powers, no doubt. But these powers, even if somebody gets realization like Buddha got realization he thought that there is no God. He did not believe in God because he just got realization through a formless uhh formless wind you can say. And he just did not know, he even did not talk about Kundalini, he did not talk of God also. And he started talking only of the self. Somebody has to be there to give you the complete picture. You get realization you get vibrations but then what? What about the (UNCLEAR complete). For that, the Holy Ghost had to take form. Alright. May God Bless you.

Thank you very much. I thank all Australians. (UNCLEAR)

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